Achondroplasia treatment - methods of limb lengthening and height increase for children
Doctor Vitaliy Veklich and children with diagnosis achondroplasia on different stages of limb lengthening
In comparison adults it is possible to perfrom limb lenthening for children few times in the ade 4-6 and 14-15 years old.
At age 4-6 years old:
1 stage - lengthening of both tibia (6-7 cm)
2 stage - lengthening of both femur (6-7 cm)
3 stage - lengthening of both humeral bone (5 cm)
Each stage needs 2,5 months of limb lengthening and 2,5 months for bone consolidation. The interval between stages is 2-3 months.
At age 14-15 years old:
1 stage - lengthening of both tibia (6-7 cm)
2 stage - lengthening of both femur (6-7 cm)
3 stage - lengthening of both humeral bone (5 cm)
Each stage needs 2,5 months of limb lengthening and 2,5 months for bone consolidation. The interval between stages is 2-3 months.
Totally it is possible to increase height of a child with diagnosis achondroplasia 24-28 cm taller.






Before limb lengthening

The first stage of both tibia lengthening 6 cm

The second stage of both femur lengthening 8 cm

After 2 stages of both tibia and both femur lengthening The result is: both tibia lengthening - 6 cm, both femur lengthening - 8 cm

In 4 months after Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus removal

An artice about Denis in Ukrainian newspaper "Факты"
on 5th of September 2008

Entry in the first class


Los pacientes de la clínica ortopédica "Ladisten" se sienten tan bien como en su casa. La clínica se ubica en un edificio de tres pisos cerca del bosque de pinos. Según el deseo de los pacientes pueden alojarse en una de las 4 salas de clase lujo, 6 salas de primer clase y 2 salas de segundo clase....
Fotos de la clínica ortopédica