Bow legs and Knock knees surgery

Bow legs (genu varum) or knock knees (genu valgum) correction surgery lasts only 30-40 minutes for both legs. The surgery is bloodless absolutely. There are not any traumatize of blood vessels, nerves and muscles...
Surgery pictures and more informationВow legs and Knock knees patients

Since 1993 Doctor Vitaliy Veklich has wide experience in genu varum - bow legs correction and genu valgum - knock knees correction treatment for patients from the whole world. Patients from USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Japan, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Israel, Cyprus, Poland, Spain...
Look at patients picturesDoctor Vitaliy Veklich

Vitaliy Veklich is Doctor of Medicine and professional surgeon in orthopaedy and traumatology both adults and children. His experience is more than 27 years of successful surgeries with Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus...
Read biographyStaff of Ladisten clinic

Professional and educated medical staff work in medical center Ladisten Clinic. There are two orthopaedic surgeons - Doctor Vitaliy Veklich and Doctor Konstantin Vdovichenko, a children's paediatrician - Anna Gniloskurenko, nine...
Staff pictures and more informationLadisten clinic presentation
You could make your first look at medical center Ladisten Clinic with our video presentation.
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Ladisten Clinic

Medical center Ladisten Clinic is like home for our patients. It is three-storyed building situated near the pine-trees forest so the air is always fresh and healing. There are 12 chambers: 4 luxury chambers, 6 first class chambers and 2 second class chambers...
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