Limb lengthening
Bow legs (genu varum) correction treatment | Knock knees (genu valgum) correction treatment | Pictures of patients
Since 1993 Doctor Vitaliy Veklich has wide experience in genu varum - bow legs correction and genu valgum - knock knees correction treatment for patients from the whole world. Patients from USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Japan, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Israel, Cyprus, Poland, Spain, China, Iran, Sweden, Colombia ordered professional medical treatment by Doctor Vitaliy Veklich and were satisfied with the results. Here you could look at pictures of Doctor Vitaliy Veklich's patients. You could watch their pictures as before and after genu varum - bow legs correction surgery and genu valgum - knock knees correction surgery.
We know you want to speak with our patients who had genu varum - bow legs correction and genu valgum - knock knees correction treatment done before you make your own decision. Right now our patients from USA, UK, Iran, Spain, Sweden, China, Poland gave us permission to share their contacts to our future patients from their countries. It means that if you are from USA, UK, Iran, Sweden, China, Spain, Poland you could talk to person the country you live in. If you like to contact our patients who had genu varum - bow legs correction and genu valgum - knock knees correction treatment done, please, e-mail our medical center Ladisten Clinic Dr.Victoria Veklich :
UK patient experience and interviews - Bow legs (genu varum) correction treatment (5 parts):
UK patient experience and interview in 1,5 years after Bow legs (genu varum) correction treatment (2 parts):
Bow legs (genu varum) correction treatment - China patient experience
USA patient experience and interview - Bow legs (genu varum) correction treatment (3 parts):
Blount's deformity correction treatment - Whole patient experience:
More videos on Dr.Veklich Youtube channel:
If you have any questions - please, ask Dr. Victoria Veklich - 38 (044) 209-8054 or send e-mail:
Patient 1

Ladisten Clinic

Medical center Ladisten Clinic is like home for our patients. It is three-storyed building situated near the pine-trees forest so the air is always fresh and healing. There are 12 chambers: 4 luxury chambers, 6 first class chambers and 2 second class chambers...
Clinic pictures and more information