Doctor Vitaliy Veklich

Doctor Vitaliy Veklich biography and medical career
MAIN CPECIALIZATION: Orthopaedic Surgery with Help of Ilizarov-Veklich Apparatus
- Bow legs (genu varum) and Knock knees (genu valgum) correction in Adult and Children
- Limb lengthening in Children with diagnosis “Ahondroplasia”
- Limb lengthening in cases of Leg Length Discrepancy in Adult and Children
- Treatment of dysplasia of the hip joints in Adult and Children
- Fractures treatment in Adult and Children
Doctor Vitaliy Veklich was born on 3th of February 1953. This year he is 54 years old.
Vitaliy Veklich is Doctor of Medicine and professional surgeon in orthopaedy and traumatology both adults and children. His experience is more than 27 years of successful surgeries with Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus. He is the Doctor that knows responsibility for each patient who ask for help. After the years he is the head of his private medical center Ladisten Clinic - the only medical center that could give you professional medical services and care about you with much attention.
Vitaliy Veklich was purposeful and ambitious student when he entered to Pirogov's Vinnitsa Medical Institute. During six years of study till 1979 he have got his initial knowledge and experience. In 1977 he the only one who won a Gold medal for his scientific work "Lymphography for lymphogranulomatous patients" on the All-Union Children's Surgeons Congress. On graduating from the institute Vitaliy Veklich entered Children's Surgeons Intership and at the same time he worked as Children's orthopaedist-traumatologist in Vinnitsa Children's clinical hospital.
During 1983-1986 Vitaliy Veklich had post-graduate study in Kiev Scientific-Research Orthopaedic Institute and on graduating from the institute he upheld a thesis "Transosseous osteosynthesis of transcondylar and supracondylar fractures of children's humeral bone".
Then during 1986-1993 Vitaliy Veklich worked in Kiev Scientific-Research Orthopaedic Institute as orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeon (1986-1988), main orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeon (1988-1991), head orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeon (1991-1993).
Since 1993 Doctor Vitaliy Veklich is the head of his medical center Ladisten Clinic. During his orthopaedic and traumatologic experience he modified the Ilizarov apparatus to Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus. Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus has much advantages as made from titanium it has high margin of safety, the apparatus is smaller and light in weight, using semi-ring that gives patient comfort and convenience during the whole period of treatment and others.
During his medical practice Doctor Vitaliy Veklich have made many orthopaedic and traumatologic surgeries as limb lengthening (hips and lower legs lengthening), bowlegs and knock knees correction, treatment of limb fractures with help of Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus both children and adults. Because of the improved apparatus Doctor Veklich make so cosmetic surgeries for bowlegs and knock knees correction. He is 27 years of professional medical experience in orthopaedy and traumatology and 15 year in cosmetic orthopaedy like bowlegs and knock knees corrections.
Doctor Vitaliy Veklich has published over 50 scientific articles about new methods of threatment in orthopaedy and traumatology, improvements of the Ilizarov apparatus and treatment of complicated fractures. Also he has a scientific monograph "Foundations controlled transosseous osteosynthesis" that was published in Moskow, Russia in 2003.
Since 1993 Doctor Vitaliy Veklich and his staff have wide experience in bowlegs and knock knees correction of patients from whole world. The patients from USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines, Japan, England, Ireland, France, Germany Israel ordered professional medical treatment by Doctor Vitaliy Veklich and were satisfied with the results.
Doctor Vitaliy Veklich
Head opthopaedic surgeon and Doctor of Medicine

Doctor Vitaliy Veklich
Head opthopaedic surgeon and Doctor of Medicine

Doctor Vitaliy Veklich
Head opthopaedic surgeon and Doctor of Medicine

Ladisten Clinic

Medical center Ladisten Clinic is like home for our patients. It is three-storyed building situated near the pine-trees forest so the air is always fresh and healing. There are 12 chambers: 4 luxury chambers, 6 first class chambers and 2 second class chambers...
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